Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Zoey is 3 Months

Happy 3 Months to our sweet girl! We started the month with 4th of July. We went to Oklohoma and visited our Wicks family. They have a boat and Zoey loved it. We also went swimming, Daddy bought Miss Priss her first float and she LOVES all things water! She was not a fan of the life jacket though! 

Mimi and Pops bought her this cute sailor outfit! My dad's dad was in the navy and I think he would have loved seeing Zoey dressed like a sailor! Grandma is going to get this picture for her fridge. 

A girl cant go swimming without her sunglasses and floppy hat! 

We went to the park to watch fireworks, Zoey slept through the whole thing! This picture was before it all got started. We put earplugs in her ears to prevent any damage from the loud pops of the fireworks and she was worn out from a busy day at the lake. 

Zoey loves swimming with her daddy! 

We went to Joe T's one night for cousin Kelcie's birthday.  Zoey loves being outside so this was the perfect outing for her. 

A sweet friend made this outfit for Zoey and I was so glad that she can finally fit into it. We had a girls lunch and she looked so cute.... UNTIL the big BLOWOUT! Thank goodness my friend Emily was there to help, she has some experience with the blow-outs in public places! 

Zoey loves to smile and talk to friends and family. 

She also loves to stand up! With help of course. 

We went on a small weekend trip to Austin to celebrate our sweet friends engagement. She had to show off her Daddy shirt to his friends. 

Zoey and Tyler are only a few weeks apart, they have no choice but to be great friends. Brian and Chase are in trouble with these two cuties. 

These dads! I think it is so funny to see them busy with their girls. 

Oh this toy... I really hope this isn't the toy she chooses to take everywhere. She LOVES her mermaid doll, but its hair makes her look a little like a chucky doll... so thats what we named it. 

A family picture at Clay and Samantha's engagement party. 

Happy 3 months!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

2 Month Update

 Zoey is TWO months old! We stayed busy this month, Zoey celebrated her CoCo's birthday, went swimming for the first time, and attended her first wedding! I am soaking up these precious memories we are making as a family! 

One of our very best friends turned 25! Happy Birthday CoCo we loved getting to celebrate with you at Rahr! This was my first experience with the Pump and Dump method! It worked out great, and I loved getting to enjoy a whole 2 beers at my favorite placeto visit on a Saturday in Fort Worth.

Zoey loves her bath, so I thought she would love the pool as well! Momma was right, we have a pool lover! I'm hoping for our very own pool in the future so we can spend our summers in the water! 

We spend lots of time with cousin Rhys and can't wait for him to move closer! We even nap together! 

Zoey is starting to hold her head up and smile when you talk to her! SO we are practicing sitting up in our Bumbo chair!

Zoey's first wedding, My cousin Judd got married. Congrats Judd and Marla!!

Splash Pad! 

Uncle D is very patient with a crying baby! He loves snuggling with his Zoey girl! 

Another Happy month in the books! This little Punkin' Head (daddy's nickname) is such a joy! 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Zoey's First Month

We made it a month! I was so worried when I was pregnant that I wouldn't know what to do with my seet girl when she got here, but suprisingly I made it through and didn't make many mistakes... that I know of. My mom made sure I made it through the first week, and came back the next weekend to help me. She taught me a lot, I wouldn't have survived without her. I wanted her to stay longer, but she assured me Brian and I could make it on our own. There's nothing like having your mom around for important events in your life. 

Both Great Grandma's on My side of the family came to visit and meet Zoey.

We found out Zoey had Jaundice at her first doctor visit and she had to hang out in the "tanning"
bed for a day. She seemed to like it... Mommy just cryed the whole time. 

Zoey is growing like a weed! At the end of the month she was around 9 pounds. She is still wearing mostly newborn size clothes and some 0-3 month things. I'm trying to get her in all her cute outfits that everyone gave her, but she has A LOT of clothes. Sometimes we will play dress up (when she will let me). 

Zoey loves her cousin Hartlie Jo and rocking on the front poarch with Pappy. 

We take lots of pictures! BUT, she was not a fan of getting her newborn photos made. We had several accidents, and a poop explosion with no diaper on! 

At just 3 weeks old, we went on our first trip in the car to Mimi and Pops house because it was cousin Rhys' birthday. We went to the zoo, zoey slept the entire time. 

Happy 1 month Zoey Catherine!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Zoey Catherine Is Here

May 1st, 2014 Miss Zoey made her arrival at 7:22 PM weighing in at 6 pounds 5 oz and 19 1/4 inches long. 

We went to the hospital at 5 am, and Dr. McBride broke my water. We waited a few hours for things to progress. I got an Epidural (way to late) when I was almost 5 cm. We had a little complication around noon, I couldn't lay on my left side and had lost too much fluid, Zoey was laying on her cord and we lost her heart beat. The Doctor and nurses got it back quickly and I was to lay on my right side for the rest of the day. I pushed for 45 minutes and finally we met our sweet girl.

I can't describe the feelings we had in the delivery room. It was the best day of our lives welcoming Zoey into the world and becoming parents. I fell more in love with Brian, watching him become a daddy and I can't even describe the love I feel for our little girl. We are so blessed to have a happy and healthy child.